Thursday 13 August 2020

Back to the river

 We are in Ullapool again - our third extended trip since the beginning of July. We are certainly making up for the time that we weren’t allowed to travel here during lockdown. It was a very warm day so I ventured down to the river again this afternoon, and this time I swam nearer the mouth of the river where it widens out as it flows into Loch Broom. I had thought that it might be too shallow there, but I was encouraged by seeing three other people swimming there. We chatted briefly and they pointed out a deep channel which sweeps round past the edge of the golf course. This made for good swimming; it was at least shoulder deep and in places I couldn’t even touch the river bed with my feet. The swimmers said that the depth varies a lot depending not just on high and low tides, but also the tides build up to a maximum (and fall to a minimum) twice a month, so the water will be deeper in a couple of weeks. James had loyally come with me to be my lifeguard, toting his deckchair and his book.  One of the swimmers, Becky, asked me if I would like to join their “Estuary swimmers” group and I said yes please! 

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