Sunday 30 August 2020

Swimming in the estuary again

James, Ally and Cat arrived back at the cottage this evening, tired but happy after their big two day walk in the Fisherfields. Ally showed me his photos and they are amazing.  I have also had a good weekend, pottering about, walking around the village, reading and even a wee bit of writing. Yesterday I met our neighbour Natasha for the first time, and invited her for coffee this morning. She and her family have a croft nearby, and she brought me fresh eggs, home made sausages, and even a peat to burn in our fire! We had a lovely chat and she gave me all sorts of useful information about the area.

High tide was at 6.30 p.m. this evening and I went down to the estuary for a swim. It was fantastic; the water was deep and smooth, and the mountains were all lit up by the sun. The water wasn’t too cold once I got in and I swam about for half an hour, feeling very happy. When I returned to the cottage Janes, Ally and Cat had just arrived and were having showers. I had already prepared a hearty tea of haggis, neeps and tatties, with apple crumble to follow. James had a headache which he thought was due to being dehydrated so he took himself off to bed after tea, and the rest of us weren’t too late to bed either. It has been a good weekend.

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