Monday 24 August 2020

Hello again sunshine

The sunshine has returned and David and Chanel set off early to climb Stac Pollaidh *. What a beautiful day for it! James and I had a more leisurely start and went for a wee run in the car to Corrieshalloch Gorge. I had forgotten quite what an amazing gorge it is; the waterfall beside the suspension bridge plunges dramatically to the deep and narrow ravine hundreds of feet below. We strolled round the path and took photos of Lochbroom in the distance with bright rowan trees in the foreground. Then we had lunch at the friendly Lael tearoom and craft shop where we also bought an attractive beech framed mirror for our bedroom. 

Back at the cottage, the sunshine and gentle breeze had driven away the midges, so I am in my hammock reading a Dandy Gilver mystery while James is cutting the grass. It’s delightful. 

* David and Chanel had a great day and went swimming in the sea at Achnahaird Beach after they climbed Stac Pollaidh. In the evening we all had a tasty curry.

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