Tuesday 11 August 2020

Keeping it in the family

We have had two social occasions with the same family over the last few days; we had lunch on Sunday at Heather and Ewan’s, and then this evening Andrew came for dinner. It was lovely to see them all. On Sunday Ewan thoughtfully made us a quorn lasagne (taking into account my ongoing vegetarianism) and it was absolutely delicious - the taste and texture was exactly right. We sat outside on their terrace overlooking their beautiful garden which was in the full bloom of summer, and chatted. 

We had travelled home on Saturday for a few days, more admin for Grandma’s house (which now has its “For Sale” sign up) and also to see David who has been working extremely hard on his dissertation. It is due to be sent in on Thursday; he is very nearly finished and today I proof read it and was very impressed.

Andrew arrived for dinner and we had a simple (but I hope tasty) meal of roast chicken with potatoes dug this very afternoon from the garden by James. We had a convivial evening talking about all sorts of things. I had a very interesting conversation with Andrew about the books he has been reading and I lent him Lampedusa’s The Leopard. James and I eventually took ourselves off to bed, leaving the young ones to keep socialising. 

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