Monday 31 August 2020

Rishi’s Dishes

Today was the last day of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme, designed to tempt the public back into restaurants as quarantine eases off. Concerned that the restaurant trade would suffer even more than it already has over the last few months, because many people are understandably wary of returning to indoor public spaces, Chancellor Rishi Sunak introduced this idea for the month of August. You could get up to £10 off per person per meal in participating restaurants, with the government footing the bill, from Mondays to Wednesdays. 

The scheme seems to have worked, and indeed some restaurants have reported that some customers have become a bit stroppy if they feel that waiting times are too long. We have had several discounted meals at the Ceilidh Place in Ullapool, and one at Wetherspoons in Cambuslang. And today we had a discounted lunch at the Route 7 Café in Aviemore. We stopped off there because we were on our way home to Cambuslang. We have a lot to sort out in Grandma’s house, which has now been sold. It sold very quickly; there seems to be a property boom just now, perhaps due to people wanting to move to houses with good-sized gardens in case of possible future quarantines. This is predicted not to last, because unfortunately a lot of people’s jobs are currently under threat due to the economic situation. We also have a list of other useful tasks that we need to do, so it will be a busy week ahead. I felt so sad to leave Ullapool, and yet pleased to arrive home in Cambuslang, where we got a big welcome from Tom and Flora. They immediately took us through to the utility room to feed them, then abandoned us to go outside. However they did return later and I spent a cosy evening watching television with Flora sitting companionably on my knee, occasionally sticking her claws into my leg.

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