Wednesday 19 August 2020

A very sunny weekend

Alison and Hugh arrived to visit us on Friday, the 14th of August. The weather was absolutely perfect throughout the four days that they were here. We really couldn’t have planned it better! After lunch on Friday, we walked up Ullapool Hill. Alison, Hugh, and James walked to the top, but it was far too hot for me so I lurked around in a bit of shade behind a tree near the viewpoint. In my defence, it really was very hot! We had drinks sitting outside at the Ferryboat Inn after our walk, it was roasting but luckily the drinks were nice and cool. We then spent a happy evening in the cottage, chatting and catching up on all of our news.

Alison and Hugh had brought their bikes with them so on Saturday 15th we all cycled up to Loch Achall, the same route that I went on last week. It was very hot and sunny, so I set off earlier than the others so that I wouldn’t hold them up. My plan worked well and I arrived at the bridge about fifteen minutes before them, which gave me time to cool down. Then we all cycled along beside the loch which was a sparking blue. Back at the bridge, Alison and I cooled off with a swim in the pool. It was very refreshing although it had more midges than last week. 

In the afternoon we all relaxed in the sunshine, sitting outside the cottage and watching the ferry go by as we chatted. And in the evening we strolled along the path and over the bridge to the village, where we had a delightful evening dining at the Ceilidh Place.

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