Sunday 23 August 2020

Cycling and midges

David and Chanel have arrived for a visit in between Davie submitting his MSc and Chanel starting her teaching job. It’s the first time that Chanel has visited Ullapool and it has been fun showing her the sights. The weather is more mixed this week but it hasn’t kept us in; in fact we have been very lucky with our excursions so far. For example, yesterday we went for a walk up Ullapool Hill (I made it to the top with much encouragement from Chanel), and extended the walk by descending via Braes of Ullapool, and then stopping for a well deserved libation at the Seaforth Bar. The weather was fine and dry all the way, and it only started raining after we were back at the cottage. 

Then today we cycled up to and along Loch Achall, and again the weather stayed fine for us the whole way. There was however one drawback to the warm, cloudy, windless weather - midges! Oh boy they were fierce! This week we have definitely noticed more midges than before, but today we were were cycling through huge clouds of them, especially near the loch. When we got back to the cottage we all had showers to make sure that there were none still lingering in our hair! 

David and Chanel gave us a fantastic and thoughtful house-warming present; an Ordnance Survey Map centred on our cottage. We are going to put it on a cork board on the kitchen wall. David even had it personalised with the name “Rowan Tree Cottage” and the distance to our home (240 km) and to Dunedin in NZ (19000 km)! 

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