Saturday 29 August 2020

Boat Trip around Isle Martin

The last few days have flown by. David and Chanel really made the most of their time in the North West Highlands; on Thursday they walked from Oldshoremore in to Sandwood Bay and on their return they took us for a drink at the Argyll Hotel and treated us to fish suppers. We all then watched the last in the trilogy of Spaghetti westerns that we have enjoyed this week; “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.” 

On Friday morning we all went for a boat trip from the pier around Isle Martin and back. It was great fun and the boat skimmed along very fast. When we started it was raining lightly and due to the speed of the boat the raindrops were driving into my eyes! Luckily the rain stopped after about five minutes and we were even treated to a rainbow! We saw cormorants, shags, gannets and rock doves flying overhead, and the boat captain pointed out that we could see the island of Harris in the distance, peeping out from behind the Summer Isles. We saw quite a few common (or harbour) seals on the rocks, and also some grey seals with their longer snouts, which were more wary of our boat. There was a sea eagle on a tree on a cliff, but although the others saw it I couldn’t quite spot it against the foliage. I did see the great skua (or bonxie) which circled our boat several times when we were near Isle Martin. Back at the pier we could see lots of lion’s mane jellyfish bobbing up and down just below the surface of the water. 

We popped into the Ceilidh Place for a warming breakfast before David and Chanel set off southwards. A couple of hours later Ally and Cat arrived, and today they went on a two day camping trip with James to the Fisherfields.

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