Wednesday 19 August 2020

The sunshine continues ...

Monday the 17th was Alison & Hugh’s last day with us. We went to Achnahaird beach, another beautiful beach, which is surrounded by a ring of mountains. This time Alison and I went for a paddle instead of swimming, while Hugh helped James to fly his kite on the beach. Hugh treated us to a takeaway lunch at a wee café in Achiltibuie, and we ate it sitting on a bench at the shore while James pointed out all the different mountains to us. Back at the cottage we said our farewells; it has been a great weekend.
And over the last couple of days the sunshine has continued. James has been gardening, and taking more bags of gorse twigs and branches to the dump. This morning I asked him to drop me off there and I walked down the hill back to the cottage, taking in the amazing views. We have been sitting outside reading and relaxing all afternoon. 

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