Monday 3 August 2020

Summit of Ullapool Hill

James, Ally and Cat set off early this morning to go hill-walking in Torridon. It was a fine day - a bit windy but sunny with clouds - so I decided that the time had come for me to reach the summit of Ullapool Hill. I planned to take my time and so brought my Kindle to read during any rest stops. As I set off I noticed a very few golden leaves falling from the trees - surely it’s too early for that? I’m counting on it remaining summer for a bit longer.
As I had planned, I took my time strolling up the hill, and stopped a couple of times to admire the view. And I did make it to the top! The last bit is quite steep but very short. It was great at the top; I could see Loch Broom in one direction and Loch Achall in the other, and I was circled by mountains. 
Instead of going straight back down the hill, I decided to follow a route that James had told me about, a path across the side of the hill which descended gently towards Loch Achall. It was really beautiful. I then walked back along the road past the quarry to the coast road and home. It was a lovely walk. 

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