Tuesday 21 March 2017

Transient Snow

I woke up to see thick snow swirling past the window, great big flakes; it looked beautiful. There had been snow warnings yesterday but I didn't take any notice because we are so near the end of March. It lay quite thickly and all the school buses were delayed, but it was very wet snow and by the end of the day it was all gone and the sky was blue; I have never seen snow disappear so fast.
I was very busy at school with various end of term deadlines and was pleased to get a lot done. Ally is through in Edinburgh for Cat's Engineering Ball so it was just James and me for dinner, and we watched a documentary tribute to the singer Vera Lynn - it was her 100th birthday yesterday. She looks very good for 100 and is still very alert and sharp; she has had a remarkable life. 

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