Sunday 12 March 2017

Bag Pack

After a relaxing breakfast in bed this morning, of pains au chocolat and coffee, I set off to supervise a bag packing session at a large nearby supermarket. The purpose of this was to raise money to buy Duke of Edinburgh equipment. There were only two of us to supervise a changing rota of pupils so we both needed to be there for the full five hours. The supermarket was one of the first ones in our area which opened for twenty-four hours a day. Although it has been refurbished recently, I have vivid memories of going there in the middle of the night on frequent occasions about ten years or so ago, when my Mum had been rushed to hospital. Often I would be told to go away for an hour while the doctors were attending to her at the Victoria Infirmary, and since this wasn't enough time to go home and return, I would while away the hour browsing around the supermarket at about 2 a.m. It was just me, people stacking shelves, and a few other lost souls wandering around. Strangely enough these memories are not upsetting for me; in fact I found the supermarket oddly comforting during the wee sma' hours! 

The bag packing went extremely well; we raised £937 and I was really proud of the pupils' behaviour and hard work.

When I got home the weather was beautiful and I sat in the garden for a while and looked at all the signs of spring - miniature daffodils, buds on the quince tree, and the camellia was flowering. I love this time of year. 

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