Thursday 2 March 2017

New Hairdresser

I tried out a new hairdresser this evening. I am a creature of habit and have been going to the same place for years, the Rainbow Room in Royal Exchange Square. It is the first hairdresser that I have even mildly enjoyed going to, and I like its light and airy atmosphere and friendly (and very on trend) staff. However its location right in the middle of town can be a bit inconvenient, especially getting parked nearby when I'm running late, which I usually am. So after having a look around, I decided to try out one of the many establishments in my local area. The clincher was that I found out that on a Thursday they are open until 8 pm which means that I don't have to spend a Saturday morning getting my hair cut. I felt quite shy when I arrived but they made me feel very welcome and I have to say that I'm pleased with the results. The hairdresser soon sussed out where I live and rhymed off a list of my neighbours and friends who also go there. And it was great to be home at 7.30 pm with my hair sorted for another six weeks and most of the evening still ahead of me. James and Ally had prepared a tasty chilli con carne and we watched an episode of the interesting but strange and rather unsavoury Westworld. 

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