Friday 10 March 2017

Forest Friday

After a really good night of sleep (nine and a half hours according to my Fitbit!) I woke feeling restored and ready to face a busy Friday, including an afternoon of Forest Schools in our local park. What a great experience it was for the pupils. They were free to choose any activity and were soon making shelters, lighting fires, building swings and hammocks, learning to tie knots, playing games, and finally, toasting marshmallows in the fire. Every single pupil was full of enthusiasm and had a great time. 

James had set off this morning for his bothy weekend so Ally and I had risotto for tea and a pleasant, quiet evening. We ended up watching the first Pirates of the Caribbean film; I had forgotten how good it was when it was fresh and original - I wish they hadn't made so many sequels. In fact I think the 5th instalment is coming out this year. The first film was really exciting with some great lines, the best ones from Captain Jack Sparrow of course! My favourite is when Elizabeth is shocked that when he was marooned on the rum runners island he just drank rum for three days until he was rescued by chance.

She says "That's the secret, grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow? You spent three days lying on a beach drinking rum?" and Jack Sparrow replies, "Welcome to the Caribbean, love!"

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