Sunday 5 March 2017

Beethoven's Eroica

Yesterday was a good day. I took Grandma shopping for food to Marks and Spencers while James pruned the cherry tree and made a bonfire. Then I added Ally to the insurance for my car, and with some trepidation (on all our parts!) Ally drove me and Cat on a short trip to Morrisons and the sports centre. I was genuinely impressed with the smoothness of his driving, and he was suitably cautious and careful. While I was in the sports centre, Ally and Cat practised parking in the bays in the quiet part of the car park. I'm so proud of him for having the confidence to get behind the wheel of a bigger car than he learned in, and to drive around safely.

Later on the four of us had a tasty dinner at La Bonne Auberge before going to the Royal Concert Hall. The concert was Beethoven's Eroica, performed by the RSNO and conducted by Lahav Shani. It was excellent; powerful stuff. Apparently Beethoven was going both to name and dedicate the work to Napoleon because he admired his republicanism - but he became disillusioned when Napoleon named himself "Emperor of the French" and pointedly changed name to Eroica and the dedication to "In Memory of a Great Man"! 

The first half was good too, with Dvorák's Carnival Overture followed by Vaughan William's Concerto for Oboe and Strings, Adrian Wilson was the oboist and he was brilliant. 

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