Tuesday 7 March 2017

Reading at school and at home

I have been spending a lot of time recently thinking about the future; something I will blog about more fully in due course. However I am also enjoying the present - certainly a lot more than I did during January and February this year, when I was feeling rather bleak due to sad times at home (the loss of our beautiful Ruby) and some disturbing events at work that led me to do a lot of soul-searching. Anyway I am beginning to perk up as Spring approaches. I have got through a lot of my work targets, and am feeling quite organised at home. 

Today at school we started a new novel in an English class that I support rather than teach; "A Monster Calls" by Patrick Ness, based on an idea by author Siobhan Dowd who sadly died of breast cancer before she could write it. The class is taught by a fantastic English teacher and I feel inspired by her skill and enthusiasm. I am excited to be reading a new book and so are the class - and it made me reflect that I am very privileged to be able to work with so many excellent teachers around the school, as well as teaching my own classes. The novel that I have just finished reading with my 3rd years is "City of Ember" by Jeanne DuPrau. I chose it carefully to suit their tastes and it has gone down very well; we are going to watch the film as an end of term treat. On the subject of reading, at home I am currently reading "The Girl in the Spider's Web" by David Lagercrantz, the follow up novel to the "Millennium Trilogy" whose author Stieg Larsson died suddenly in 2004 before they were published. I don't usually read sequels written by a different writer because I think that they are a pointless imitation, but this was lent to me by a colleague so I started reading it out of politeness. And how glad I am that I have! It's a real page turner, and what is more, it really feels as if it has been written by Stieg Larsson - I can hardly believe that it was written by anyone else. 

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