Tuesday 27 December 2016

Intimations of mortality

With apologies to William Wordsworth, the year 2016 has brought more news of mortality than immortality. The media has been banging on all year about the high number of celebrity deaths. Apparently this can be explained by the fact that there are more "celebrities" (who will eventually die) nowadays because of global television and media, and also there can always be statistical blips. I have blogged about a few of these "notable deaths" during the year, but there have been two over the last few days which have really resonated with me.

George Michael was found dead on Christmas Day at the age of fifty-three - he was the same age as me. George became famous as a very young man which means that I have been aware of his stellar career and roller-coaster of experiences throughout my own adult life. He always seemed a very honest character who wore his heart on his sleeve. The last time that he was seen alive was when he was watching the Christmas Eve procession in his village from his window.

Carrie Fisher's death was announced on the BBC news only a couple of hours ago. She suffered a heart attack on a plane on the 23rd December and never regained consciousness. At 60 she was a little bit older than me, but, like George, her joys and troubles were lived very publicly since I first saw her as Princess Leia in Star Wars nearly 40 years ago. 

Life is short.

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