Monday 19 December 2016


When we got home from Edinburgh on Saturday afternoon, I went down to Morrisons to do a small but urgent food shopping, which Ally and James sorted out the tree and decorated it. I must say that it looks splendid. On top sits the Christmas star that James made the first Christmas that we were married thirty-two years ago. It is showing signs of age but we would never replace it. James put on a CD of Christmas music and we admired the tree. We brought the cats through from the back room to see it but they were not impressed and ran about the room until they got the chance to escape. Later on we watched the final of Strictly Come Dancing; it was excellent and Ore Oduba was a worthy winner.

On Sunday we went into town for our traditional Christmas lunch with Heather and Ewan. I have such fond memories of this occasion over the years; it is always fun, marking the Christmas season with good friends who know us so well that we can truly relax with them. As is customary, we then went on to The Metropolitan for more drinks and chat. When we got home Ally made dinner but we weren't very hungry after our big Christmas lunch, and sensibly went for a fairly early night.


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