Wednesday 7 December 2016

The Killing

James and I are currently exactly half way through watching the first series of The Killing; a Danish detective programme that is nearly ten years old, although until now we have never seen it. There are twenty episodes so it’s a long haul, however I am very much enjoying it. Like many Scandinavian dramas it is all about atmosphere and a slow but compelling pace, which makes for addictive viewing. It has a slightly soporific effect on James, but he is managing to stay awake for most of it – such was the sleep-inducing effect of the Wallander series on him a few years ago that I think I could have made him fall asleep simply by showing him the cover of the DVD! We do like to watch a “box set”, whether on DVD or on one of our many online television channels, as an alternative to watching any old rubbish on television. It gives you a sense of choice and as a result we have watched some really good series, often on the recommendation of friends, such as the afore-mentioned Wallander, Mad Men, House of Cards, Breaking Bad and of course the amazing Game of Thrones.

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