Sunday 4 December 2016


I had the worst sleep ever on Friday night due to a really horrible nightmare where (without boring any readers of this blog with the convoluted details) I was attempting to board a flight to travel to Australia with David. Needless to say everything went wrong, including losing my luggage, being dropped at the wrong airport terminal by my Mum and Dad (yes those two have been making yet another dream appearance!) and eventually waking up in a panic. I was totally wide awake and had to read my book to get back to sleep. Tom was excited because he thought that if I was awake it must be morning so he did a bit of scampering by around the bedroom!

So I started Saturday quite tired but didn't get much chance to rest because James was on a mission to finish the remainder of our Christmas shopping. Off we went into town, where we had an efficient and satisfactory shopping trip.

I had lunch with my lovely school friends. We meet up three or four times a year and have been there for each other through the joys and sadnesses of our lives. Over the years there has been plenty of laughter and tears, and yesterday we had both. They are such good friends. 

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