Thursday 29 December 2016

Princess Leia's Mum

It is so relaxing to have these unstructured days between Christmas and New Year; it is a surreal time of year. Yesterday James and I felt the need for some fresh air and exercise, and decided to go for a walk to that old favourite of ours, the Greenock Cut. We were rewarded with mild weather and panoramic views of the Clyde during the six and a half mile walk. Later we went with David to see "Rogue One" which is a Star Wars franchise film explaining the story of how the rebels manage to procure the plans for the Galactic Empire's Death Star, and give them to Princess Leia, who appears very briefly at the very end of the film. The princess is played by an actress with a young Carrie Fisher's face digitally portrayed onto her own face. It is a rather spooky moment in light of Carrie Fisher's very recent death. The film was very enjoyable with a solid plot and good special effects. When we got home we heard the news that Carrie Fisher's eighty-four year old Mum, Debbie Reynolds, had taken ill while planning her daughter's funeral - and she died a few hours later in hospital. How sad.

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