Monday 26 December 2016


This has been the most peaceful day of my entire year so far. Not even our brilliant holiday in Sorrento in July was as relaxing as today. This was because I had absolutely nothing to do; not even a meal to attend nor a place to be, no matter how pleasant. Furthermore, the weather outside was dreadful - rainy and windy - which lent a cosy feel to being inside. 

So I pottered around; reading, watching Christmas television, making turkey risotto for dinner, playing with the cats. And it was all very companionable because James, Ally and Davie were all pottering about too. James made a miniature Lego model of Venice which Ally had given him for Christmas, and Ally and Davie played a computer game called "Civilisation." 

I do enjoy many of the more active aspects of my life, but a day like today is so rare that it is a real joy. We all gathered on the couches to watch the Dr Who Christmas Special together, and we are now watching the Royal Institution Christmas Lecture which is about different types of energy. I don't understand a word of it, but that doesn't bother me at all. 

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