Thursday 15 December 2016

Not Jury Service

I was called in to Jury Service today. I had hoped that I would not be required because I had checked the Jury Attendance line for the last couple of days and was not needed. But last night the recorded message requested my presence today. I went to school first to sort out lessons etc, and dropped my car off back at home before heading into town by train. 

Imagine my surprise on my arrival at home to find Ally standing in the hall with the vacuum cleaner in one hand and his toothbrush in the other, while wearing only his pants! That's multi-tasking in action! 

At the Sheriff Court we were all kept waiting for ages before being sent away because none of the cases allocated to our court were going ahead. Ally told me later that the clients had probably pleaded guilty. I took the train home, or so I thought. In fact the train went to a different station than I had expected, leaving me with a walk home of half an hour instead of the usual ten minutes. It was raining and a bus drove through a puddle and splashed me. It was not really the best of afternoons, but I soon cheered up by doing rather well at the quiz show Pointless (there were questions about French books!) while having a warming cup of tea. 

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