Friday 23 December 2016

Christmas holidays have arrived!

So here I am on the first day of the Christmas holidays, sitting in the hairdressers listening to festive music. The last few days have flown by. I never get as much done as I want to at work by the end of term, but this year wasn't too bad and I feel fairly organised for January. This week has been quieter socially than last week thank goodness and I have sorted out the last of the Christmas presents including the New Zealand ones. All of the Christmas dinner food has arrived except the turkey, which Ally and Davie will collect tomorrow morning.

Margaret came round last night and we lit the fire in the lounge and caught up on news and ate delicious soft amaretto biscuits. And then this morning I had a celebratory long lie in my bed before heading into town. A good start to the holidays so far! 

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