Monday 12 December 2016

Lunch at The Ivy

Sunday in London was very relaxing after our busy Saturday. It was a fine, sunny morning and James and I walked from Southwark to The Ivy in the West End, where I had booked lunch. I did this in honour of one of my favourite authors, P.D. James, who died a couple of years ago, and who mentioned in her autobiography that she enjoyed having lunch at The Ivy! I thought that was as good a reason as any to give it a try, and I was very glad that we did, because the food, service, décor and atmosphere were all lovely. I would love to go there again.

The rest of the day was spent walking, chatting and even doing a little light shopping. The city looked and felt festive - we even saw two double decker buses packed full of Santas! We flew home from London City Airport and had marvellous views over the city as we ascended into the night sky.

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