Thursday 3 May 2012

The sun is back

It's a gorgeous day and I'm in a hammock about to read my current book while the dinner is cooking. It's not my usual hammock, this one is strung between one of the pear trees and the plum tree and I have a great view of tree branches and blue sky. Ally had got the hammock out before I came home and when I was going to get into it he asked me to wait while he "tied it to a stronger branch" no doubt nervous that my huge bulk would bring the whole thing down! Jennifer texted earlier to remind me that today would have been our Dad's 90th birthday, it would have been nice for him to see the boys all grown up, he would have loved that. Jamie has just phoned from Dundee, he is excited that he will be coming to Greece with us this summer. And Ally and Davie are playing table tennis on the patio. I think he would have been very proud of all three of them. I just heard a bird flapping its wings together as it flew past the hammock. I can't believe that I have never heard this before; I didn't realise that the wings actually hit together with a clapping sound. There is a pigeon in the tree above me and Jack has been lying in the flowerbed enjoying the sunshine. However this suburban idyll has just been disturbed by Ally and Davie swinging me rather vigorously! Update at 9 p.m:- Today being the local government elections we walked up to the local primary school to exercise our democratic right to vote. The difference this year was that now that Alasdair is eighteen he was voting for the very first time so the three of us walked up together. Lots of memories of many voting days; as usual we met a few neighbours and chatted to them. Alasdair said that he enjoyed voting but it was over very quickly! Then I popped back into my hammock for a little while until James came and swung me alarmingly in it. Why do people feel the need to swing me when they see me in a hammock? 

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