Friday 4 May 2012

Happy Birthday Jennifer

It is my sister Jennifer's birthday today, just one day after our Dad's. He always said that she was a late birthday present for him! When Mum was in the hospital after giving birth to Jennifer one of the nurses said that she was a "Fair Baby", because she was born nine months after the Glasgow Fair holiday (2nd fortnight in July). Needless to say our rather posh Mum was mortified to be associated with a holiday baby boom! I remember very clearly the day that we brought Jennifer home from hospital; she was very beautiful and small, all wrapped up in a shawl. My Mum sat in the back seat of the car with me and gave me a new doll (Lily), and my Aunt Hilary sat in the front seat holding baby Jennifer (no baby seat in those reckless 1960s!) while my Dad drove us all home. It must be one of my earliest memories because I was 2 years and 4 months old. I sent Jennifer some Elemis Spa gifts in anticipation of the spa break we have promised ourselves in the autumn, and she texted to thank me. She also got a Kindle from Russell, which I'm sure she will enjoy as she is an extreme reader just like Mum and me. I hope she has had a lovely day and that her boys have all pampered her.