Wednesday 9 May 2012

Cheering up

I still felt a bit down when I went into work, but after chatting to a few people I found out that everyone seems to be feeling a bit flat just now, and this encouraged me that I am not alone. I got some useful work done which always makes me feel positive. I was also cheered up by an incident in a French class when we were having a quiz and the pupils were asked what is the name of the new French president. Quite a few of them correctly wrote M. Hollande but one intrepid pupil guessed M. Baguette which did make me laugh - if in doubt try any French word! I also sorted out a present for my lovely god-daughter Jennifer who is seventeen years old today. How the years have flown! I had intended to take her shopping but completely ran out of time. So I asked some of my girl pupils to recommend a store which would be age appropriate and after conferring they decided that "New Look" would be best, and I ordered a gift voucher for her. I hope it's a shop that she likes. Jamie's car has needed £300 of repairs and I still have to pay the road tax so I will have to delay my own car's paint job for a month or two. I wasn't thrilled but there's no point agonising over it. James is in London tonight so Ally, Davie, Cat and I had a curry which is still sitting heavily in my tummy. Why do I keep eating curries when my digestive system cannot cope with them? Well I suppose it's because I enjoy them so much at the time! Davie and I went along to put in Grandma's eye drops and had a cup of tea and a chat with Forrest. And now at the end of the day I feel much more cheerful and more like my normal self.