Tuesday 8 May 2012

Feeling a bit flat

I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm feeling down (oh dear me no, I know the danger signs) but today I just don't feel great. And the annoying thing is that I have no particular reason to feel like this. I feel tired but that's not the problem; I just feel unusually unenthusiastic both at home and at work. Where is all my usual optimism and looking forward to the future? Where is my excitement? Well hopefully it's just waiting round the corner. So I'm off to bed to sleep off my blues. James has bought me a book of poetry by Andrew Greig "As though we were Flying" and I have started reading it; it's very good I think, and I like the poem about Stronsay, it really captures a moment in time. It's so thoughtful of James to buy me a poetry book - he heard about it on the radio - it makes me feel ungrateful for feeling down because I'm so lucky in many ways really. Time I went to sleep! 

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