Thursday 24 May 2012

Happy Anniversary and News

James and I remembered last night that today is our 27th wedding anniversary. We agreed not to buy each other a card; instead we will go out for dinner tomorrow night. However today James broke the agreement by sending me a huge bunch of flowers to school! They are very lovely - roses and freesia (my favourite flowers). I can hardly believe that we have been married for twenty-seven years - well over half of my life. The weather today continued sunny and hot - very hot. It was beautiful weather for the sports day at my school but the pupils were sweltering and drinking lots of water. My colleagues and I spent a lot of the afternoon on toilet duty! The events all went very well and a couple of our own pupils from the base excelled themselves so I felt very proud of them. I was thinking of Jamie because he had his big presentation today. He had to present his dissertation to two leading orthopaedic surgeons and then had to undergo a grilling in the "viva", which is an oral examination. He must have done well because later in the afternoon I got a text as follows:-
"Hey, how are you?
James Anderson BMSc (Hons) 2.1"
I was so delighted! I phoned him straight away to tell him so. It's amazing that he got his results so quickly. Jamie sent the same text to James who phoned me from Birmingham airport; he was delighted too! James was delayed at Birmingham until six so he didn't get home until eight, however when he was there he bought a set of replacement headphones for David - he accidentally ran over David's headphones with the lawn mower yesterday and David was very upset. Although David really shouldn't have left his headphones on the grass. I think this was very kind of James. So it has been a very good day! When I got home I went out to my hammock and I was so happy I started singing one of my favourite songs, "Wild Montana Skies" until Christine shouted to me over the fence that Brian was laughing at my singing. This amused me very much. A celebratory family curry ensued and now I am back in my hammock at quarter past nine at night wearing t-shirt and shorts and it's still lovely and warm. The boys are watching a programme about hill-climbing with James and Jack is sitting on the slabs near me looking very happy on this gorgeous evening.
"Give him a fire in his heart, give him a light in his eyes, give him the wild wind for a brother, and the wild Montana skies!" Classic John Denver! 

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