Wednesday 2 May 2012

That sinking feeling

After a very busy day including an enjoyable trip to a park with a P.E. class, this evening I hosted my EK book club and we had a pleasant evening discussing "Every Last One" by Anna Quindlen. We had a good chat about it and everyone had thought it was very good although horrifying; several people felt that it had made them think of their own or friends' experiences. I mean the feelings you get rather than the actual events of the book! For example, how awful it is when you are recently bereaved and in the mornings you wake up feeling fine for a moment and then the realisation comes crashing down on you that someone you love has just died. It's like it has just happened again and your stomach sinks. You have a similar feeling in the mornings when suffering from anxiety / depression which is why I hated waking up during those times and strangely I also used to hate our perfectly innocent wardrobes because they were the first things I saw when I woke up! We spent some time wondering whether the main character could have changed what would happen, and concluded that she could not possibly have anticipated how things would turn out. Ally and Cat were very helpful in offering drinks to my guests and setting out the supper. I made chicken lasagne which turned out well, and Susan brought delicious passion fruit cakes. It's always great to see these girls and I think we have all supported each other through different situations as well as having a good laugh.