Thursday 17 May 2012

Colour Match

The last couple of days has been a blur of reading and scribing for exams, which is a surprisingly exhausting task because you are willing the pupil to do well but can't help them - this goes against the grain for a teacher. If the pupil dictates a good answer you feel delighted but if they miss the point you feel very frustrated. It has been nice to be home after our intrepid Duke of Edinburgh expedition and I have been enjoying James and the boys' company; Cat came round for tea last night and we all had a jolly time. I think that this is serious between Ally and Cat. James and I have booked all the accommodation for our holiday to Assynt in July. I'm really looking forward to it because I get withdrawal symptoms if I don't visit the far North West of Scotland at least every year. I must have ancestors there! I have taken the decision to return my Kitchen Aid mixer because the colour of grey-black does not match well with the black-black of my kitchen units. I feel a bit silly for being so fussy but I'm unlikely to purchase another one in my lifetime so I want to get it right. The vendors were very understanding and I have chosen Candy Apple Red, on the grounds that a contrast is better than a near-match. Now I'm off to finish checking and proof-reading the teachers' 2nd year reports; rather a tedious task but once I get started I quite enjoy it! 

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