Friday 1 February 2013

Friday evening

Well it has been a very busy week and I'm delighted to be relaxing on Friday night. The haggis supper that I consumed earlier is sitting heavily but pleasantly in my stomach and I am watching the concluding part of a two part "Silent Witness" or as Terry Wogan used to call it, "Witless Silence!" It is easy watching, which is why I can blog at the same time. David and I were nearly late to school today because as we drove merrily up towards Nerston, having a lively discussion about the merits of obtaining a Higher in English, we suddenly found ourselves caught up in a traffic jam. This is very unusual because I am blessed with a short and fairly quiet route to work. I phoned ahead to warn my colleagues that I might be late but just as we saw the culprit (a broken down bus) being towed in the opposite direction, the traffic suddenly started moving like a cork out of a bottle. So we weren't late after all which was a good start to what turned out to be a good day. I am now about to watch a film called Drillbit Taylor with David, who assures me that it is one of the best films of all time. 

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