Wednesday 13 February 2013


While James, David and I were away at the weekend Alasdair started his security job, his first shift being a steward at a football match. He loved it although he did say that it was very cold and involved a lot of standing about. He is being paid a pittance but is delighted to have found a way to make some extra money. Good for him.
David has not been well for the last couple of days with a bad cold and to my annoyance I'm now not feeling too great myself. I take any illness as a personal affront and am trying to fight this off. But my throat is very sore and my wee head is aching. Today I was running a fairly big event at work so I was dismayed to feel like this, but it all went really well and I was very pleased with my colleagues who had all worked so hard to make it a success. So I will be heading to a nice hot bath soon to relax. 

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