Saturday 9 February 2013

Out and about in London

What a day we have had in London! Arriving at our hotel in Southwark late morning, we checked in and went to nearby Borough market. We met a very friendly policeman who heard our accents and told us that he's from Dunoon. He gave us some tips on what to see in the area and recommended the steak sandwiches at place called Roast in the market. He also warned us to keep our phones and belongings secure because there were some "dippers" about and six people had been robbed already in the morning. The steak sandwiches from Roast were indeed delicious and we had a good old wander round the market.
David wanted to go to the Natural History Museum, which was pretty crowded with families on this wet Saturday afternoon. We didn't like the stuffed animals and birds but headed up to the "Gems room" which had cases and cases of minerals, fossils and gemstones. I found it mildly interesting but James and David absolutely LOVED it and spent ages looking at all the exhibits, they were so happy. At the end of the room there was a "vault" with precious stones which had diamonds in all different colours, emeralds, sapphires etc. I liked those!
We spent so long in there that we went straight to the theatre district and had our tea in a restaurant on Leicester Square called "The Grill on the Square" which had decent food and very good service. We were in nice time for the play I had booked in Wyndham's Theatre; Quartermaine's Terms. This provoked such different reactions in the three of us that we had a hilarious time in the pub later writing reviews about it! (see previous post) One last highlight for David must be mentioned - the inexplicably popular M&M's World which I first visited on a London trip with pupils last summer. David loved it (I suspected that he would!) and made several purchases. 

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