Saturday 16 February 2013

Saturday mostly at home

I had a lovely long lie in bed this morning, and got up feeling much rested. I dosed myself up with various cough and cold remedies and set off into town to meet Heather. She helped me to choose a baby present in John Lewis for the littlest Templeton and then we went for lunch and had a good chat. Heather has had a busy time skiing then straight off to Canada on a work trip so she caught me up on her adventures. It was a very pleasant lunch. Back home I had a leisurely afternoon reading my book (Song of Achilles - for my next book club meeting) and then I took Ally and Cat to Sainsburys where they did their shopping for a Valentine's dinner that they are making for each other this evening. It promises to be absolutely delicious. The menu is beetroot, red onion and goats cheese tartlets with salad, followed by twice baked goats cheese soufflés with chives, and tomato, cucumber and coriander salad, and chocolate fondant for dessert. As I blog at 8 p.m. they are still chopping and preparing away; David and I had our tea ages ago and have watched a film called the Wedding Video which was a mildly funny British comedy which didn't quite live up to my expectations. We were going to go to the cinema but David is still suffering from his cold and didn't feel like going out. I suspect that this is because he is not being so assiduous in dosing himself up with cold remedies as I am, and it's his own fault because the bathroom is stuffed with medication that he could be using. James has just phoned, he is on a hill-walking weekend in Perthshire and seems to be having a nice time. So I have had a lovely relaxing day and I am planning a sensible early night. I like going out but sometimes it's great to have a Saturday evening at home. 

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