Sunday 10 February 2013

More London adventures

Back to the Natural History Museum today because there was still lots we hadn't seen. It was great and we were there for hours; we even had lunch in the restaurant there. As I observed David's sheer excitement in the Darwin centre I realised that he will certainly become a scientist and that his studies will involve Biology; he just loves it.
We had amazing luxury cinema experience later in the Odeon Lounge at Bayswater. We walked there from the Natural History Museum (in the rain!) because I thought that according to my iPhone maps it was a nine minute walk. However with hindsight I think it must have said that it was a nine minute drive because it took us a good forty minutes on foot through Hyde Park and across the Serpentine. The cinema only had thirty-two seats which were large reclining chairs with footstools. We ordered food and drink by pressing a button on the armrests and it was then was brought to our seats by waiters! The film was Flight which was very good and extremely thought provoking with themes of addiction and responsibility. I really enjoyed it. We finished our evening with drinks in Nando's in Southwark at a table at the window with a view of St Paul's all lit up across the river. 

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