Saturday 9 February 2013

Three reviews of Quartermaine's Terms

The play that we saw this evening!

Review no. 1 by Susan Anderson
This was an unusual, sensitive and moving play that I will remember for a long time. The playwright's observations of human behaviour and interactions were uncomfortably accurate. The play had comic moments but was ultimately tragic as each character was buffeted about by life, none more so than the lonely, incompetent, unobservant but good-natured Quartermaine. The actors were all excellent and I felt drawn into their lives. This was not the comedy that I had expected but I thoroughly enjoyed the play. The actor Ken Stott was sitting behind us!

Review no. 2 by James Anderson
This play brought a new terror to live theatre. It was 24 carat turge; arrant nonsense. There wasn't a single character you could empathise with. It was terribly dated. Rowan Atkinson trotted out his same old Mr Bean mannerisms. I'd rather have been at Kraftwerk at the Tate Modern.

Review no. 3 by David Anderson
I thought it was really good. It was bright, fun and I liked the different colours. But enough about M&M world! The play was pretty crap. The constant pauses for dramatic effect were rubbish. The way that they talked was like a drama on Radio 4. It was boring and badly written. The racism was unnecessary and didn't serve any comic effect. I wouldn't want to hurt Rowan Atkinson's feelings but this was terrible. I clapped at the end of this play because I thought if I clapped hard enough, then the sound waves would propel me backwards around the earth thus turning back time like in Superman 3, so that I could get the two and a half hours of my life back.

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