Friday 22 February 2013

Friday night curry

It's Friday evening and I'm in a great mood. When I went in to work this morning it was bright daylight and despite the cold I thought that there was a promise of Spring in the air. On Wednesday I went in to work at 6 a.m. when it was still completely dark, so it was a nice contrast. It was an extremely busy but very rewarding day. I had a lovely coffee with Sharon after school and we caught up with each other's news. When I got home I jumped straight into a celebratory bath and when James arrived home from Warwick we ordered a curry. We decided to watch a film "Ruby Sparks" which was fairly enjoyable, although elements of its plot did remind me of several other films. And now I'm relaxing on the couch with James snoozing beside me, feeling very contented despite the curry churning ominously inside me. 

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