Friday 8 February 2013

End of a busy week

Well it has been busy but productive week at work. It was with a sigh of relief that I set off home this evening with four days of the February holiday ahead of me. I am also relieved that my Jackie and Noah are both on the mend thank goodness. When I arrived home James was already cooking up haggis, neeps and tatties for tea. This was because in a burst of enthusiasm I had bought too many haggises around Burns night and thrifty James wanted to use them up. I was less than thrilled about this because I had been looking forward to a curry or even a sausage supper, but we still had a pleasant evening watching an oldish (1994) film called Leon which James and I have never seen. It stars Jean Reno and a very young Natalie Portman who was already an accomplished actress at the age of 12! I found it a strange and slightly surreal film until I realised that it was directed by Luc Besson - it has the feel of a French film in every way, except that it has been filmed in English! I enjoyed it and am now packing for our London trip tomorrow. 

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