Friday 21 September 2012

Weekend in Harris

A very early start today because we took the 7 a.m. flight from Glasgow to Stornoway for our September weekend in the Outer Hebrides. It was a wee plane, a Saab 340 which has about 36 seats. Just the three of us, James, Davie and me, because Jamie and Ally are both at university so they don't have school holidays. Stornoway was kind of quiet at 8 a.m. so we went for a drive around Lewis looking at the beautiful views. We had coffee and scones at the Calanais visitor centre when it opened, and bought a map and book about St Kilda. Then we headed down to Tarbert and on to our hostel. It's the same hostel that we stayed in exactly two years ago on a very enjoyable weekend when David and I went swimming in the sea at Luskentyre and I got knocked over by a huge wave! I don't think it will be warm enough for that this weekend, although I have brought my cossie just in case! However the weather is fine and sunny and we had a lovely walk along the coast road looking at all the wee islands. It's lovely to be here. 

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