Friday 7 September 2012

Change of plans for Ally

Alasdair and I had a conversation mid week about his gap year. He has applied for various jobs but has had no success so far, and with all of his friends about to start university he was beginning to reconsider his plans. He gave me permission to contact Glasgow University Law Faculty about bringing his entry forward from 2013 to 2012 and to cut a long story and several phone calls short - he starts Freshers' Week on Tuesday! Ally was very pleased when the official email of confirmation came through at 5 p.m. this evening. He definitely feels that this is the right thing for him. We hadn't mentioned any of this to James in case of disappointment, so when he came in from work tonight I said "Ally has some news about his gap year." James asked what it was, to which Ally replied "I'm going to take my place to study Law!" James was thrilled (he was never keen on the gap year idea) and there were hugs all round. We are going to contribute towards a back packing holiday for him next summer so that he still gets to travel, on condition that he goes with friends rather than on his own.
In the evening I went to Book Club at Catherine's. What a lovely evening with a really nice group of girls. We chatted about our summer holiday reading and I got lots of good ideas for books; we also chatted about what we had seen and done over the summer. I had a lovely relaxing time and thoroughly enjoyed myself. 

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