Tuesday 18 September 2012

Successful Day

Jackie and I had an important meeting this morning - an inspection of one particular aspect of our work - and it went extremely well! We were delighted because we have worked hard on it. So I am feeling very relaxed this evening and am planning to watch a film, have a bath and read my book; some of my favourite activities!
Ally seems a lot happier now that he has properly started his 1st year of Law. He didn't think that he would know anyone on the course but at his first lecture he met a friend who used to be in his class at school and who moved to a different school at the end of his 4th year. This friend knew quite a few people so Ally had a crowd to go for lunch with. I think he's enjoying his lectures so far and I have ordered more books for him today; weighty tomes one of which, "The Institutions of the Law of Scotland" by Lord Stair, was first published in 1681! (The Stair Building at Glasgow University is where the School of Law is situated.) I am so proud of him. 

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