Monday 24 September 2012

Farewell to Tarbert

The others in our party left the hostel at 6 a.m. to catch their ferry to Skye. I had already said my farewells last night after another convivial evening so I did not get up to see them off; in fact I didn't even hear their departure. James did hear them getting ready to leave and went downstairs to say goodbye. He also took the opportunity to take a few photos of the dawn sky which were very good, before going back to bed for a couple of hours. We had a leisurely breakfast and packed up; our flight back to Glasgow was not until 3.40 p.m. so we had time to drive down to Leverburgh to check out the hostel there and go for a lovely walk on a beach near Scarista Mhor. It was very sunny and quite windy; we drank in the views of the golden beach, turquoise sea and purple hills beyond. David was very happy peering into rock pools and jumping about, I think he quite likes the company of his old Mum and Dad although I'm sure he wouldn't admit this. We returned to Tarbert for lunch in the friendly First Fruits tearoom; I felt quite wistful as we set off back to Stornoway, it has been a great weekend with good friends. Anyway, the flight home was fun, we got great views of the Shiant Islands and Skye and various mountains on the way south. And here we are home sweet home, where I am about to have a bath in the comfort of my own bathroom. It was a really good long weekend and I feel very refreshed. 

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