Thursday 6 September 2012


The season is changing I think; there was a distinct nip in the air today and when we all had to go outside (fire alarm) it was dreich and cold. Ally and Cat have gone camping to Loch Ossian so I hope the weather is better there. In the evening James put the heating on for an hour and Jack was so excited that the radiator was on for the first time in months that he kept jumping up on it then having to jump down again because it was too hot for his wee paws! James and I spent most of the evening working together on the computer and Davie had lots of homework so it was a very industrious household. Shona has asked me for pears to make pear chutney so David went out to the garden and picked two carrier bags of them. He was armed with a stick to knock them down and strangely he also put on a pair of sunglasses which certainly weren't necessary in the rainy twilight! Maybe he was using them as eye protectors. Jack nosily followed him outside and watched him from the shelter of a small tree. I started my new medication for my cough today so I have high hopes that this might be the cure I have been looking for (I have been coughing since I was about 6 months pregnant with David - seventeen years ago!) It would be so good if it works! 

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