Sunday 30 September 2012

On the other hand, there are worse things than being overweight

I have just re-read my previous post and it seems a bit whiny, to say the least. After all, although I don't like my current shape, it could be worse - it's up to me to make sure that doesn't happen. Also, apart from my weight issues, I don't have much to complain about just now. I am in fairly good health and so is my family thank goodness. I am as proud as punch of all three of my mad boys who make my life so happy. It is a fine Autumn day. I love my job and I am very lucky with the people that I have in my life; both family and friends. For example last night we had Heather and Ewan round for dinner, friends with whom we can discuss anything without fear of judgement, and we had a relaxed and fun evening with them. Their photos of Sicily were amazing and made me want to go back and explore a lot more of the island. Next week I will be on a Duke of Edinburgh weekend with a really nice bunch of colleagues and then the following week I will be going on a cruise with my dear husband. I may be a bit pressed for time but nothing I can't organise better if I put my mind to it. Certainly compared to some parts of my life in the past, all is going well. Touch wood!
So Susan, it's time to "man up" and "grow a spine" (as one of my pupils is wont to say, mainly to other vulnerable pupils when they are upset!) and get on with leading a healthier lifestyle! 

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