Thursday 20 September 2012

A really good film

Caroline and I went to see Anna Karenina at the cinema last night. I was intrigued to see it because although I already knew the ending I have never read the book. I have read a bit of 19th century Russian literature in my time and I am drawn to the noble anguish and suffering of the characters. However it takes me a while to work out which character is which because the Russian names confuse me! I really loved the way a good part of the film was set in a theatre, quirkily switching between the stage and "real life" locations; it somehow worked well and captured the drama of the plot. I also loved all the symbolism and premonitions which were woven into the narrative. And poor impulsive Anna! She didn't know what she wanted and ended up losing everything. The costumes were exquisite; a 19th century rival to Mad Men. Keira Knightley is an amazing actress as well as a beautiful woman; I felt that she was the perfect Anna Karenina and portrayed her torment and unravelling so well that I thought she looked completely different by the end of the film. By coincidence I am currently reading Antonia Fraser's story of her life with Harold Pinter, "Must you go?" Antonia also leaves a marriage because she falls madly in love with another man, and children are involved, but of course life turns out very differently for Antonia as a woman in the 20th century than it did for Anna in the 19th. Thank goodness things have improved for women! Not that it was all easy for her though; despite her understated writing she hints at some hard times from the press and harsh criticism from friends and family. But all in all her choices led to a happier ending.
How different this all was from the show I went to earlier in the day at the Science Centre; "Blood Bile and Body Bits", where I ended up going onto the stage to collect pretend poo in my outstretched hands, amid uproarious laughter from pupils and staff! Great fun but it wouldn't have happened to Anna Karenina! Or Antonia! 

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