Sunday 2 September 2012

A successful expedition

Yesterday evening after a pizza dinner and a pleasant chat, the teachers walked down to the campsite for another bonfire. It's strange that although I don't really like marshmallows they taste delicious when toasted at a fire. We had a great evening; my colleagues and I get on really well and I think we are a great wee team. This morning we check-pointed the pupils on the last day of their expedition. Shona and I walked in just past the end of the Torduff Reservoir then retraced our steps once the last of the pupils had passed us. It was a bright sunny morning and we had nice views of Edinburgh from the hill above the campsite, and the reservoir and the countryside around it were very pretty. Shona very kindly offered to take a group photo of a family down at the bridge and we met a nice young family who hinted for (and got) some of her sweets! The pupils were tired but in good spirits. We then drove to the visitor centre at Threipmuir for lunch in the sunshine with Carolyn and it was really lovely. By this time some of the pupils were going very slowly but they all made it to the end of the route. 

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