Tuesday 11 September 2012

Ally is an undergraduate

Ally had a successful day at Freshers' week today; he met some people that he knew, visited the stalls for all the clubs and societies, but was unable to matriculate because he did not yet have all the information he needs. He came home rather underwhelmed by the student experience so far. However he and James got his "SAAS" forms sorted out this evening and he's going back in to matriculate properly tomorrow. Also he has now managed to download his timetable so he is planning to explore the campus so that he knows where are all the places that he will be going to next week. His first lecture will be in the Boyd Orr building on Monday at 9 a.m. - same place that I went to my first lecture thirty-three years ago! We ordered his textbooks yesterday; some were "essential" and some were "recommended" so I just ordered the lot, which is probably overkill but I want him to have everything he needs. Thanks to Amazon Prime delivery about four of them arrived today and Ally was quite pleased and took them upstairs to have a look at them. This rather sudden decision of Ally's to bring forward his university entry has left him feeling a bit taken aback I think, and maybe a bit nervous (not that he would ever admit that). So I really hope that everything goes well for him over the next week or two and that he enjoys his course; it's such an important time for him.
It’s also an important time for Cat; she is also starting University. She will be studying Mechanical Engineering at Edinburgh University. Ally will miss her but they are not too far away from each other. 
Without wishing to leap on the media bandwagon I am genuinely delighted for Andy Murray that he has finally won his first Grand Slam tournament. He has certainly worked very hard for it and there were times that I thought he would never quite make it to that level. I didn't stay up to watch the match as he battled through the five sets but Ally did and said it was great. 

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