Saturday 12 November 2011

Yes to Walk but No to Yes

A great weekend so far! Last night I had the Duke of Edinburgh team round for dinner with their spouses / partners to say thank you for all their hard work especially during the recent very wet expedition weekend. The meal went well and I think a good night was had by all, there were twelve of us in total and we had a good laugh; I am lucky to have such a brilliant team.
Today James persuaded me to walk a bit more of the Ayrshire Coastal Path, it was a good idea because it was a beautiful day; blue skies and unseasonably warm. We set off from Barassie and walked along the beach to Irvine, a very pleasant beach walk, sandy all the way with blue foamy waves lapping at our boots. We thought that this was where a previous walk at Christmas 2009 had started (because we are doing the Ayrshire coastal path bit by bit so James is marking off in his book what we still have to do). However we realised that it had started at Stevenston, further along the coast. Rather than leave this section to another day we decided to press on. The route left the coast and went up though the harbour area of Irvine, which was very pretty in the sunshine with nicely renovated houses. We passed a statue of a carter and Clydesdale horse which was very pleasing, there used to be many carters in the area who hauled coal down to the docks. From there we continued inland to Kilwinning, passing through woodland and the Garnock Floods, which is moorland. We then turned towards Stevenston, going along country roads. On the outskirts of Stevenston we saw nine deer grazing in fields, they were beautiful. We finally arrived at Stevenston station after walking 17 km, and I was flagging by this time after my late night last night! However I was really glad that we had done the walk, we had a lovely chat on the way and I decided that today is the official start of my quest for fitness! We got a taxi back to our car at Barassie and picked up fish suppers on the way home.
James and Ally went to the Yes concert this evening; I really don't enjoy their music and after the last gruelling concert I went to I told James that I wouldn't be back and he would have to take one of the boys instead. So Ally bravely went and claims that he enjoyed it, but he is maybe just being nice to his old Dad! Davie and I had a relaxing evening; I watched a film called "A little bit of Heaven" starring Kate Hudson, I enjoyed it although it was quite sad. When James arrived home he brought me a really gorgeous tie dyed Yes t shirt; I was delighted. 

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